Experiments for librarians

Experiment 1:
What size of display circulates the most books?
Experiment instructions at https://db.tt/MrPj24jV

Display size often affects the effectiveness of the displays. A. M. Shah, for example, sold $2 pens in 10 different-sized displays. The vertical bars above are the percentages of people buying at least one pen. Displays with 8 to 12 pens had 65% to 97% people buying pens. Displays outside this range had 50% or fewer buying pens. "Right-sized" displays were 100% more effective than "wrong-sized" displays. Is this true of library book displays? What is the right size of book display? Answering these questions may help librarians everywhere.

Experiment 2:
Does distance from the front door affect circulation of the shelf?
Experiment instructions at https://db.tt/iN9FIwrG

Many libraries have lots of open space just inside the front door. Does this open space reduce circulation? In 1938, Ralph R. Shaw compared circulation from a section of shelves immediately beside the front door and another section of shelving 15 feet inside the front door. The section 15 feet inside the front door circulated 24% fewer books, a drop of 1.6% per foot. Does distance from the front door affect your circulation? If so, how much? Find out.